Dmitry: 民主

Charlie: 如果中国是个民主国家,那么新疆西藏也就可以像魁北克那样就是否独立进行全民公决。

Dmitry: Come on, the US is a “democratic country” and the Southern States didn’t have a chance, either.

All that talk about “democracy” is Bullshit, I think. The only reason there are more “freedoms” in the US than elsewhere is because nobody wants to use those freedoms for anything political. The government allows people to have those little gay freedoms and let them think they are in control of the country.


Come on, 美国是个“民主国家”,但是南方诸州也没能在南北战争中独立。


“Dmitry: 民主”的6个回复

  1. 大约除了魁北克的那些习惯于说法语的人,其余9省没人想魁北克独立吧,虽然它领土面积大大超过法国完全可以当作个国家来着。
    狠欣赏Pierre E. Trudeau为此作出的贡献。

  2. 北京某著名高校某雕塑(如果留言也能加链接就好了)就寓意说:科学还顶个球,民主连球也不顶…


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